Sunday, June 15, 2008

The best Martial Arts

The truth is, there really isn't a "best" martial art style. It all depends on what you are looking for, also how effective the teacher is at training you, and how hard you work to perfect your skills. Some martial arts styles stress street combat, others stress sports skills and competition, others stress internal energy or chi, while still others are traditional arts that stress perfection of technique, self discipline and etiquette.

The best style out there for you is the style that helps you meet the goals that you have set for yourself, and that pushes you to take your skills to the next level. If that means full contact training, then you need styles that can give you that. Just because a style doesn't focus on whatever it is you are interested in doesn't make it a bad style, it just makes it not the right style for you. Be wary of anyone who says otherwise.

There is a long running joke in the martial arts, that basically says when someone says X is the best style, what they really mean is "I study X". Keep an open your mind and open eyes, and you will find the style or styles that best fit your needs.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Main Aspects of Pencak Silat

There are four main aspects of pencak silat martial art.

a. Mental and spiritual.

Pencak silat aims to build and develope personality and noble character. The martial artist must use their training to focus their mental and spiritual energies during combat situations or dangerous emergencies.

b. Self-defense.

Its also aim to build our self confidence skills and perseverance skills which very important in human life regardless you are martial artist or not. Without them, our skills are reduced.

c. Culture and art.

Culture and performing the art of pencak silat is very important. This things combines Pencak Silat with traditional music and costumes.

d. Sport.

The aspect of physical fitness is very important for pencak silat martial art and definitely for the artist. We try to have a sound mind in a sound body. Competitions and intense training are part of this aspect. There are full contact matches, as well as form demonstrations, for single, double or teamed.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silat Martial Art

Silat is the combative art of fighting and survival believed to have originated from ancient Malaysian and Indonesian civilizations. Until recently there has been no fixed form of instruction. It has now evolved to become part of social culture and tradition and is a fine physical and spiritual training. There are various styles of silat. Silat burung putih is based on bird-style fighting. Silat tjmande is water buffalo style fighting. Silat tjikalong is crane style fighting. Silat harimau is based on tiger style fighting. Not all silats are fighting arts; some are merely dancing forms such as silat pulut.

The definition of the word silat varies from one guru or teacher to another. The Malay dictionary defines silat as a seni (art) with the intelligence to attack and defend gracefully. Another meaning states that silat originated from the word kilat (lightning). A practitioner tries to acquire the characteristics of lightning: speed, dominance, sharpness, fluidity, and danger. In general, silat techniques use hand and foot maneuverings. The principle of silat is to evade attack. Training in silat includes cultural, spiritual, and mental aspects as well as tumbling, striking, kicking, blocking and agility movements. Many movements are described by names. Some are poetic, some are named after an animals movement, and some are metaphors

The culture and tradition of the Malay ethnic group as its source and model. Mental-spiritual, artistic, graceful, and flowery movements similar to Malay classical dance paired with seemingly incompatible martial aspects. Looking slantingly to the ground and sensing the adversary movements rather than using direct eye contact. In some instances the practitioners seem to be in a trance-like state and possess an eerie ability to anticipate the opponents movements

Types of Martial Arts

Although there are hundreds of different martial arts over the world, many of them have more similarities than differences. Within the major categories, there are often many sub-schools and systems developed by different teachers. Martial arts are generally classified as soft or hard, internal or external, yin or yang, but they all need to embrace these complementary aspects. Internal arts such as qigong focus on yielding and inner strength. Hard arts such as karate focus on developing muscular power and speed, and the mastery of breaking and throwing techniques delivered with devastating impact.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Benefits of Martial Arts

These are benefit of Martial Art for Martial Artist

a. Martial arts teach us for our self defense, and it also can improve confidence and self esteem of human being.
When we used its as an exercise, martial arts can improve balance,strength, stamina, flexibility, and posture.

c. It also could enhance our weight loss and improve our muscle tone.

d. When we are talking about the mental level, martial arts can teach stress management, improve concentration, and increase willpower. Some martial arts such as silat, qigong and tai chi, are used for longevity, disease prevention, and healing purposes, making them effective exercises for those with health conditions and for the elderly.

e. Some of the teachers also claim that martial arts can be used as spiritual practices, bringing balance of our physical and mental, peace, and wisdom to dedicated practitioners.